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Adventurama School Outdoor Education

Whether you seek the adrenalin rush of the big rapids, a quiet meander through a Wilderness area, or simply a day out with friends, sipping Chardonnay on our winery paddle, rafts are a great way to travel! Of course, there is also the low grade white water on which we paddle Sports Rafts.


The Winter rains and Spring snow melt flow into the Mitta Mitta River making this river near Omeo the perfect location for a fun-filled adventure, packed with the thrills and spills of higher grade rapids and the excitement of sharing your adrenalin rush with your friends.

Welcome to Adventurama 

...  let your adventure begin!

Adventurama is the thrill of plunging through a river rapid, abseiling off a rock face, exploring the depth of a wild cave; or simply soaking up the beauty of the wilderness.


A step outside your normal existence. Possibly a step out of your comfort zone! It's sharing your excitement with friends. Adventurama is about you!


In 1992 Adventurama introduced its first product, White Water Rafting, in Victoria Australia.


Soon customers were looking to extend their adventure experiences so Rock Climbing, Abseiling and Wild Caving were added to the product range.  Adventurama has now expanded again to include adventures through Asia; specialising in China and Thailand.

Adventurama School Outdoor Education

A time to reflect, a time to discover, a time to plan the future! Outdoor Education is a time to experience new concepts, new relationships and new feelings.


Adventurama is a sense of awareness, a feeling of importance, and the drive to achieve.


Working alongside schools, Adventurama programmes make possible the outcomes that teachers, parents and students seek in the school curriculum in areas that are best delivered outside the classroom.

Adventurama School Outdoor Education

Places to see ... people to meet! International travel is more than sight-seeing. To immerse yourself in different cultures is to better understand the world.


There is no greater adventure than to understand how others live.


Perhaps your adventure is uncovering interesting cultures, exploring museums and historic sites or simply finding the best shopping experiences.


Perhaps we can help you find your perfect adventure and take you there safely

Call us now:​

1300 65 22 77 (Australia)
+61 3 9819 1300 (International)
Email: click here
Established 1992

© 2013 Adventurama

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 ...   and let your adventure begin!

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